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For Publishing

Today’s publishing market has diversified to include the big publishing houses, small and medium presses, entrepreneurial publishing, and now hybrid publishers. Hybrid publishers bridge the gap between traditional and entrepreneurial publishing by availing to authors a publishing platform that gives them more creative independence and financial reward.

Paradise Publishing LLC is a groundbreaking hybrid publisher that guides authors through the promotion of their book up through the launch, then boldly releases all royalties to the author.

Our mission is to produce books of the highest quality content and aesthetics that fulfill one of two purposes. We seek books that

  1. Inspire readers to live the life they dream.
  2. Empower readers to explore God or spirituality from unique perspectives.

At this time Paradise Publishing is only considering solicited manuscripts. We are currently set up to publish a limited number of manuscripts per year.

Start the process by telling me about your book:

If Paradise Publishing House is interested in reviewing your manuscript, we will send you submission guidelines.