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As an author and speaker, Roger Leslie inspires people to live the life they dream. His prolific output of award-winning books attests to the power of taking inspiration to action. While living his own dream, he empowers both aspiring and established writers to reach their own success as their writing coach, editor, and publisher.

Latest Books

No Stranger Christmas

While trying to save Christmas for his financially struggling family, 14-year-old Frankie Lincoln finds the courage to explore his artistry, stand up to gay discrimination, and pursue first love.

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Roger writes book in many genres.

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Your Writer’s Journey

Your writer’s journey requires

the creativity to write the book you imagine

the wisdom to revise your manuscript so it’s meaningful to readers

the action to make your book available to your target readership.

No matter where you are on your writer’s journey, I can help.

Do you need guidance starting your first book or working through issues of a current manuscript? I can coach you.

Do you have a manuscript ready for professional feedback? I can edit it.

Do you have a book ready for print? I might be the publisher you’re seeking.

Let’s take this journey together.

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